Monday 22 June 2015

Crimes against humanity! Nigerian Air Force and Navy Saber-Rattling Biafrans with bombardment of civilians

Nigerian Air Force and Navy Saber-Rattling Biafrans with bombardment
With increasing quest of Biafrans for freedom from the Nigerian quagmire, Nigerian government is trying to saber-rattle Biafrans into silence with recent bombardment of a Biafran communities where over 350 innocent civilians where napalmed.

In an article titled "BIAFRAN YOUTHS, DON'T FALL TO THIS BAIT" Anthony Aniebue critically reviewed this latest incident of provocation and intimidation. He punctured the flabby reasons given by the Nigerian forces for carrying out such an idiotic attack that was a clear act of war.

Read article below:

Recently the clamour for taking up arms again against the atrocities being committed by Nigeria on the indigenous peoples of Biafra gets to its fever-heat due to what some Biafran agitators called the declaration of war on Biafra by that aerial bombardment of the creeks of Akwa-Ibom and Cross-Rivers state. From the Nigerian Government angle the Niger-Delta militants have started breaking the amnesty arrangements and have started taking up arms. From the stable of common sense its clearly a case of giving a dog a bad name in order to feed it poison. 

The quantum of aerial bombardment of these creeks and their environs without regards to the attendant collateral damages confirm the allegation of insensitivity of the Nigerian armed forces to the non-combants in any conflicts. Even in the case of the confrontation against Boko Haram, my opinion had always been that genuine political solution should be sought. For a nation's combined armed forces to unleash a combined multi-disciplinary attack on a section of her territory without warning to the non-belignant parties to vacate the location, especially where there is no active operations going on insitu is a case of official rascality. 

How can a nation's army wake up one morning and take to air, land and sea pulmelling her citizens with an official statement that some people 'suspected' to be militants were gathering therein? Before an attack of such magnitude is carried out by the army, there must be a confirmed incidents of on-going attacks and the locations clearly identified, and serious warning given for the innocent civilians to vacate a location. In Nigerian army case, innocent Nigerians will just wake one morning, after praying to God to give them the best of the day, and going about their normal business only to started being aerially 'hammered' by their own military without warning. What a nation?

Without fear of contradiction, our people should be reminded of the statement submitted to the Northern delegation during the just concluded national conference by the former Governor of Adamawa state, Gov. Nyako to the effect that GEJ was carrying out genocide against the north. Also at same time, some eminent Northern leaders threatened to take Gen. Ihejirika to the International Criminal Court for crime against humanity in executing a military campaign against Boko Haram insurgents. 

Placed side by side with the recent Amnesty International releases that indicted Nigerian Armed forces of war crimes, one will be forced to conclude that this recent military campaign in the creeks of Niger-Delta, and the subsequent alert being raised by Nigerian securities operatives is nothing but a bait to provoke the militants to confrontation in order to and for a justified retaliation to what Gov. Nyako called, 'an onslaught by that Easterner against our people'. 

Its therefore my plea to the youths of Biafra/Niger-Delta not to swallow that bait. If any common sense is to be applied, let all aggrieved parties take solace with the fact that sooner than later Biafra must be freed from this charade of a Nigeria. The recent in-road being made by your Customary Government in the United Nations should serve as a soothing balm on your bruised nerves. 

My prayer is that you should not rush into any action without consulting your Customary Government. I also suggest that the Customary Government should without delay go on to compile all these atrocities being committed against our people. I have repeated this several times, that no nation is a sacrosanct. All nations are political contraptions by man. Therefore once that contraption starts demanding human sacrifice in the name of shedding of innocent blood, it should be re-negotiated. One Nigeria is costing us so much in human and material resources. Time to stop and think is NOW. 

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