Wednesday 20 April 2016

Nigeria, the African Titanic: A sinking country with oblivious passengers

Nigeria, the African Titanic: A sinking country with oblivious passengers
When the historic Titanic began to sink, many of its passengers were oblivious of the dangers ahead. The bands were blaring, the partying and frolicking was on full blast until it became too late and the panic sets in.

That's the current situation with Nigeria, which could be likened as the African Titanic. The country is sinking, but the people are oblivious of the dangers lurking ahead. The delusional Nigerian citizens are hoping against odds continuously stacking up against the incompetent Muhammadu Buhari-led junta.
·        The necessary ingredients are there:

·    The economy has virtually collapsed. The democracy has been hijacked by a dictator brutally quashing opposing voices.

·        Livelihood is at its lowest and the masses are languishing under extreme hardship.

·        Governance is almost at a standstill.

IMF and other international analysts are blowing the warnings as the country continues to drift into dangerous waters. Yet the people are hoping for a miracle.

The only thing still keeping the country from the final plunge is the lies/propaganda of the ruling party, that is giving the people false hopes. As well as a dubious and lying mainstream media who have relegated their primordial duties of watchdog for the masses, for brown envelops. They have stopped asking the hard questions and rather intentionally misinform the society whose interests they were meant to protect.

However, that will not last long as the patience of the people continuously gets eroded with this incompetent quasi-military junta. The country is heading for a massive implosion, which will happen by the time the people realise they have been taken for a ride by General Muhammadu Buhari and his cohorts.

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