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Increasing anti-Igbo rhetorics: Prelude to another genocide - Agwo no n'akiririka! |
There has been increasing anti-Igbo rhetoric in recent times. Typically the rhetorics are ratcheted up by the Yoruba's and their Hausa-Fulani compatriots as has recently been demonstrated by the Oba of Lagos, who threw caution to threaten every Igbo-speaking Biafran in Lagos over governorship. No doubt he was voicing out the minds of most Yoruba people, as similar threats were repeated few weeks after by Dr Abraham Ariyo, a Yoruba doctor working in Dallas Texas. Ariyo had openly called for the massacre of Ndi Igbo in Lagos following the xenophobic attacks that were then raging South Africa.
Similarly, as the result of the presidential was being released showing very weak performance of Muhammadu in many Biafran States, a Hausa-Fulani fellow going by the name King with no Crown, sent out several twitter messages calling for the massacre of Igbos. Till date none of this cases has been investigated by the Nigerian police.

Adolf Hitlerand the Nazi's used similar tactics on the Jews in Europe before the Nazi's began the holocaust. In 1919, a Herr Adolf Gemlich contacted Hitler asking about the importance of the "Jewish question." At the time, Hitler had recently underwent a course of Pan-German nationalism in which he had distinguished himself by the vehemence of his radical nationalist and anti-Semitic views and by his oratorical talents. In his response letter to Gemlich, Hitler appears anxious to establish his credentials as a knowledgeable anti-Semite by lashing out at the Jews (See Letter in Note 1). Hitler called for the "irrevocable removal" of Jews from German life. Although his rhetoric is quite tame, he stressed the need for a "rational" and "scientific" antisemitism.
Blood libel (blood accusation), the superstitious accusation that Jews ritually sacrifice the children of Christians at Passover to obtain blood for unleavened bread, which first emerged in medieval Europe in the 12th century and was revived sporadically in eastern and Central Europe throughout the medieval and modern periods, often leading to the persecution of Jews, was used by Nazi's while ratcheting up the anti Jewish sentiments.
In the early 30s, a prominent newspaper told Germans repeated the propaganda that Jews kidnapped small children before Passover because Jews need the blood of a Christian child. The story sank down so well and the hatred for Jews spread.
This was exactly what the BBC recently did when it published a false news that a restaurant in Anambra State, the heart of Igbo land was serving human flesh. That fake news from a reputable media house, which was picked up by other British dailies including The Daily Mail and Nigerian newspapers, constantly baying for Igbo blood) capped the anti Igbo rhetorics. Although the story was allowed to pass through BBC checks, in a buildup of the campaigns that was meant to tarnish Chuka Umunna, who was at that point planning to contest the Labour Party leadership in the United Kingdom, it was blood libel against Ndi Igbo. No other reason could explain how a reputable internationally recognized broadcaster should publish such heinous story without making simple checks with the police.
As was succinctly put by a commentator:
"Dr Death Adeniran is expressing a popular sentiment at home. Before Jonathan accepted defeat, some Nigerians at home had started urging fellow Nigerians through the social media to "kill every Igbo should Jonathan be declared the winner.
"That's why some of us will eternally be grateful to Jonathan for accepting and expressing defeat very timely and openly despite the facts of the situation. He had considered what carnage will be visited on Ndigbo all over Nigeria - a worst form of "Araba" never witnessed before.
"I said Dr Death Adeniran expressed "popular sentiment" because, since after the result of the presidential election was declared, not an iota of effort has been made to apprehend those preaching and inciting death against their fellow citizens just for the "crime" of expressing a different view and different preference. And worst of all, the Nigerian media treated the death call with a curious indifference that signifies that the death call was in the realm of normality. Meaning, that this sentiment is approved in hush tones in various parlours and inner circles in Nigeria. That's my interpretation. But had that call come from an Igbo person, the media and the so-called human rights organizations would have assembled evidence and reported the matter to the World Court.
It was based on the increasing hate speech against Ndi Igbo that the Obi of Onitsha has called on Igbo-speaking Biafrans to return home as Nigeria is no longer safe for them.
Ndi Igbo should be wary - agwo no n'akiririka!. Their enemies are baying for their blood. They are preparing for genocide. The world must come to our aid before another round of genocide is visited against Biafra.
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We shared with you our wealth and know-how.
We forgot our homes and your home we made ours.
We gave up our language that we may learn yours.
We preached love, brotherhood and unity.
But in return what do we get?
NYAMIRI – You cried!
NYAMIRI – Must die!
NYAMIRI – Kill! Kill! Kill!
NYAMIRI - Open the stomachs of the pregnant, and the unborn kill!
NYAMIRI – Cut their limbs and heads off!
NYAMIRI – Make their children parentless!
NYAMIRI – Confiscate their properties!
NYAMIRI – Wipe them off the face of the earth.
For now on the sidelines we stand.
For our feet we have wiped and our steps retraced.
For whom the world has rejected themselves cannot reject.
From the cry of the fatherless, deaf our ears are!
From the blood of the innocent, blindfolded our eyes are!
For the bones of our dead, picked clean by the vultures, yet unburied, in knots tied we are.
For as long as your crimes you acknowledge not
For as long as our forefathers unappeased remain
On the sidelines, we must, we will, we always must remain.
Maazi Nnaemeka Mene Onumonu-Uzoaru
Note 1:
Dear Herr Gemlich,
The danger posed by Jewry for our people today finds expression in the undeniable aversion of wide sections of our people. The cause of this aversion is not to be found in a clear recognition of the consciously or unconsciously systematic and pernicious effect of the Jews as a totality upon our nation. Rather, it arises mostly from personal contact and from the personal impression which the individual Jew leavesalmost always an unfavorable one. For this reason, antisemitism is too easily characterized as a mere emotional phenomenon. And yet this is incorrect. Antisemitism as a political movement may not and cannot be defined by emotional impulses, but by recognition of the facts. The facts are these: First, Jewry is absolutely a race and not a religious association. Even the Jews never designate themselves as Jewish Germans, Jewish Poles, or Jewish Americans but always as German, Polish, or American Jews. Jews have never yet adopted much more than the language of the foreign nations among whom they live. A German who is forced to make use of the French language in France, Italian in Italy, Chinese in China does not thereby become a Frenchman, Italian, or Chinaman. It's the same with the Jew who lives among us and is forced to make use of the German language. He does not thereby become a German. Neither does the Mosaic faith, so important for the survival of this race, settle the question of whether someone is a Jew or nonJew. There is scarcely a race whose members belong exclusively to just one definite religion.
Through thousands of years of the closest kind of inbreeding, Jews in general have maintained their race and their peculiarities far more distinctly than many of the peoples among whom they have lived. And thus comes the fact that there lives amongst us a non German, alien race which neither wishes nor is able to sacrifice its racial character or to deny its feeling, thinking, and striving. Nevertheless, it possesses all the political rights we do. If the ethos of the Jews is revealed in the purely material realm, it is even clearer in their thinking and striving. Their dance around the golden calf is becoming a merciless struggle for all those possessions we prize most highly on earth.
The value of the individual is no longer decided by his character or by the significance of his achievements for the totality but exclusively by the size of his fortune, by his money.
The loftiness of a nation is no longer to be measured by the sum of its moral and spiritual powers, but rather by the wealth of its material possessions.
This thinking and striving after money and power, and the feelings that go along with it, serve the purposes of the Jew who is unscrupulous in the choice of methods and pitiless in their employment. In autocratically ruled states he whines for the favor of "His Majesty" and misuses it like a leech fastened upon the nations. In democracies he vies for the favor of the masses, cringes before the "majesty of the people," and recognizes only the majesty of money.
He destroys the character of princes with byzantine flattery, national pride (the strength of a people), with ridicule and shameless breeding to depravity. His method of battle is that public opinion which is never expressed in the press but which is nonetheless managed and falsified by it. His power is the power of money, which multiplies in his hands effortlessly and endlessly through interest, and which forces peoples under the most dangerous of yokes. Its golden glitter, so attractive in the beginning, conceals the ultimately tragic consequences. Everything men strive after as a higher goal, be it religion, socialism, democracy, is to the Jew only means to an end, the way to satisfy his lust for gold and domination.
In his effects and consequences he is like a racial tuberculosis of the nations.
The deduction from all this is the following: an antisemitism based on purely emotional grounds will find its ultimate expression in the form of the pogrom.[1] An antisemitism based on reason, however, must lead to systematic legal combating and elimination of the privileges of the Jews, that which distinguishes the Jews from the other aliens who live among us (an Aliens Law). The ultimate objective [of such legislation] must, however, be the irrevocable removal of the Jews in general.
For both these ends a government of national strength, not of national weakness, is necessary.
The Republic in Germany owes its birth not to the uniform national will of our people but the sly exploitation of a series of circumstances which found general expression in a deep, universal dissatisfaction. These circumstances however were independent of the form of the state and are still operative today. Indeed, more so now than before. Thus, a great portion of our people recognizes that a changed stateform cannot in itself change our situation. For that it will take a rebirth of the moral and spiritual powers of the nation.
And this rebirth cannot be initiated by a state leadership of irresponsible majorities, influenced by certain party dogmas, an irresponsible press, or internationalist phrases and slogans. [It requires] instead the ruthless installation of nationally minded leadership personalities with an inner sense of responsibility.
But these facts deny to the Republic the essential inner support of the nation's spiritual forces. And thus today's state leaders are compelled to seek support among those who draw the exclusive benefits of the new formation of German conditions, and who for this reason were the driving force behind the revolutionthe Jews. Even though (as various statements of the leading personalities reveal) today's leaders fully realized the danger of Jewry, they (seeking their own advantage) accepted the readily proffered support of the Jews and also returned the favor. And this payoff consisted not only in every possible favoring of Jewry, but above all in the hindrance of the struggle of the betrayed people against its defrauders, that is in the repression of the antisemitic movement.
Adolf Hitler
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