Sunday 12 July 2015

How my pastor-wife with HIV and Hepatitis C deceived me into marriage. The complicity of Mountain of Fire Ministries' Pastor Kayode Omo in medical report forgery and cover-up -Igbo evangelist laments

How my pastor-wife with  HIV and Hepatitis C deceived me into marriage. The complicity of Mountain of Fire Ministries' Pastor Kayode Omo in medical report forgery and cover-up -Igbo evangelist laments
Evangelist Kingsley Onyemaechi Obi from Inyi, in Oji River Local Government Area in Enugu State, is a sad man. His is lamenting how his wife (name withheld) a pastor and an usher at the Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries situated at Grillgasse 4/1-3, 1110 Vienna, Austria deceived him into marriage. 

The pastor-wife who is HIV and Hepatitis C positive concealed her ailments and forged medical reports in order to get him to marry her. When he got to know about it, she decided to kill him.

Hepatitis C is one of the most aggressive infections in the hepatitis’ family. It destroys the liver violently and there is no cure yet. One possible way to contract it is through unprotected sexual intercourse.

Below is the  excerpt of Evangelist Obi’s narrations to Global Reporters.

The genesis of his tribulations

“As a believer in the son of God who died, rose and who will come again, the story of my encounter with death is not meant to embarrass or ridicule my ex-wife but to testify to the glory of the Lord and to shame the devil.

“Somebody I should have spent the rest of my life with as a wife did not only hide her HIV status from me, but she also has hepatitis C and hid it. Even when I truly discovered that she was HIV positive she was still lying. One reading this might think that I was stupid, but the truth is that when you are truly a believer you do things with the fear of God, and in most cases one looks stupid before the public or in the eyes of the law.
“… I proposed marriage to her in February 2014, and also intimated my intention to the head pastor of the church Pastor Kayode Omo. After about one month she accepted my proposal. The pastor invited us, advised us and sent us to the marriage committee for counseling. Pastor Kayode’s wife is the head of the counseling committee. At the marriage counseling we were told a lot, like being open and telling each other the details of our health lives and the truth about our pasts. I told my then wife-to-be everything about myself and believed all she had told me to be true without any doubt, because as a pastor and an usher in the church honestly there was no reason for me to doubt her, but I never knew that she could lie to me. She kept a whole lot of details hidden. She deceived me.
“All she told me about her health was that when she had come to Austria newly that she had come back from work one day only to discover that her roommate had not been around, and that she had slept on the bench at the corner of the house waiting for her for too long that she had caught cold. After that day she said she had had fever and that her body system had changed that she had had frequent fever but that she had not taken it so serious, until one day she had fainted that she had been rushed to hospital. She said that it had been there that they had discovered that she had kidney problems, and it had been because of the cold. She claimed that a new kidney had been transplanted in her without any problem. I asked her if it had affected her womb, and she said no. As a Christian I believed her, prayed over it and told her not to worry.

“There was one thing the marriage committee requested from us to do that has become very vital to today’s testimony. They told us to do an HIV test, and that it was one of the preconditions of the church before wedding, which I did. The result was negative and I brought the result to the church, and she also brought her HIV test result to the church, which was also negative.

“Now the traditional marriage was arranged and done in Nigeria. Prior to this she had told me that she worked every evening, which was a lie. How did I find out? I went to her house one evening around 10pm without informing her that I would be coming, and she was not around. I called her mobile and she told me that she was working and would come back late. I waited for her without also telling her that I was waiting. Around 1am I saw her being dropped off by a hospital vehicle. I was surprised and left without going to her.

“The next day I came to her and asked her what had happened the previous day. She told me that her boss had delayed her in the office. I told her that I had seen her being dropped off by a hospital vehicle, and asked her what could that mean. She became very hostile and quarrelsome. Aaah! I was in shock and thought a lot at that few moments because my question to know what had happened was just innocent and genuine. I was not suspecting anything at that moment and could not figure out the reason/s for her reactions. She bounced at me and held me. I was really confused. She said, ‘So that is how you have been following me in Vienna?’

"And I told her that I was of course not following her but she should not forget that she was now my wife because I had fulfilled the traditional requirements including her bride price, and that there was absolutely nothing wrong if I demand to know what my wife was doing. She locked the door of the house and held me hostage, and said that I would not step out until I gave her her own part of money she had spent in our traditional wedding because she was no longer interested in the marriage. I was baffled the more. I told her that I would pay her the next day but she refused to let me go. For over three hours I was under hostage.

"It was very provoking and annoying. I thought of calling the police but did not want any trouble, and contemplated what people would tell me as a child of God and decided to call our pastor and explained the situation. It was the pastor who now calmed her down and invited us to the church. I also did not want the marriage again, but the pastor now talked to us and we accepted to continue with our church wedding arrangements.

"However, while I genuinely accepted to continue the arrangement of the wedding plans as one with fear of God, hers was hanged on deceit as events proved. The evening she told me that she had been working and would come back late, she had actually been in the hospital receiving treatment and not at work. Can you imagine such a brutal lie? It was later I came to know that the reason why she had held me hostage in her house had been because she had thought that I had known the truth about her hepatitis C and HIV status.

"But when we went to the pastor and I did not say anything towards that area, she was surprised and realized that I did not know anything, that calmed her down and made her accept to continue our church wedding plans.

The beginning of separation – the exposure

“But I tell you everything was designed by God whose ways are not our ways, especially for the interest of the general public and mostly for the lives of the members of the Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries, in Vienna, Austria. I thank God for saving my life, and it was for a purpose.

After some months of our marriage there was no sign of pregnancy, I became worried and called her. I told her that we had to go and see my doctor just to see if we may need any medical help. She reluctantly accepted, and we went and I explained everything to him. He said he would take our blood for medical tests, but that she had to transfer from her doctor and that she must also bring the medical report of her transplanted kidney. We agreed to do that and left. I think she guessed that I would know the truth, so when we got home, she told me that she had had a blood HIV infection during the kidney transplantation. I was surprised. I said, ‘Aah! But they do not make this kind of mistake here, and how come the hospital made the mistake.’ I asked her why she had not found it worthy to tell me before our marriage or even many months after we were married until now. She said that had not remembered to tell me because had been prayed for and the HIV had been gone. I said, we would know after the result whether it had gone or not. And as a born again Christian I know and believe in the power of God, that He can do all things.

The transfer from her doctor to my doctor was done.

“… I went to my doctor and collected my HIV result, and it was negative. I was again confused. Could it be that this woman was telling the truth that she was not HIV positive – I asked myself. I reasoned again that if she was HIV positive it equally would have shown in the HIV result she had brought to the church before our wedding. But I never imagined that a believer could be such a cruel liar, or that a God servant could forge a medical result and present the same in the house of God without fear of God’s wrath just to deceptively marry a man, or that a pastor who is an usher in a church could get a fake medical report of any kind especially of this nature in Austria, without fear of the law.

Continued on
[Part 2] How my pastor-wife with HIV and Hepatitis C deceived me into marriage. The complicity of Mountain of Fire Ministries' Pastor Kayode Omo in medical report forgery and cover-up -Igbo evangelist laments

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