Friday 18 March 2016

Forty Years After Angolan´s Independence an Ancestral Spirit appears in an abandoned Colonial Mansion in Luanda (Angola).

I am not a demon. Who am I?

Forty years after Angolan´s independency an ancestral spirit appears in an abandoned colonial mansion, in the metropolitan city center of ‪Luanda‬ (‪Angola‬.The defamation of the african religion during colonialism disconnected most Angolans from their ancestors. Because its people now live life through Christianity its appearance is confused as a manifestation of demons.

During the scramble for Africa, white imperialists, priests and churches promoted christianity and civilization to remodel the African culture. European imperialism was aggressive and obligated most africans to abolish their cultural behavior and change their cultural values to adore a religion, culture, habits and language which worked in favor of colonialism, any other form of religion was a false superstition.

If you disconnect a man from its roots and you gain power over his mind, this man will become whatever you want him to become.

The ancestral spirit spoke in a dialect from the ancient Kingdom of Angola but his people could not understand him as most Angolans living in the metropolitan city speak Portuguese, French or English. His voice was condemned to be the roar of a demon tormenting the mansion visitors.

The tales told by street book sellers is that the opulent mansion is not sold but abandoned because of its demons. The defamation used in the imperialism period destroyed the respect and believe Angolans had about the existence of a higher power guiding them through spiritualism.

Imperialism had such a force that some colonised African countries continued to reject their roots, cultural values, power, land and ancient religious practices.

The ancestral spirit uses his body language to convince its people that his appearance is not the manifestation of a demon but a wise ancestor trying to speak to this generation to pass the wisdom and vision our ancestors have for Angola in the 21st century.

This is a tale written by street vendors and Keyezua#

-The Reunion Black Family 

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